Fake For Real Memory Game

A Memory Game about Reality


Find yourself forgetting what’s real and what’s virtual? Jog your memory with Fake for Real, a game about reality. The Fake for Real Memory Game consists of 60 cards that playfully visualize the classical theme of Fake vs Real.

Is everything that was once directly experienced in our media society now replaced by simulations? Or are reproduction and imitation naturally part of life? Can you tell the fake from the real? Play the game, and see for yourself.


Design: Hendrik Jan-Grievink. Text: Koert van Mensvoort. Editorial team: Koert van Mensvoort, Hendrick-Jan Grievink, Mieke Gerritzen, Arnoud van den Heuvel, Rolf Coppens, and Edwin Degenhart. Produced by ALLMEDIA @ 2008.

Play the online demo version at www.fakeforreal.com or order the game.